Is there any “Happy” in your Deceased Child’s Birthday?
A Promise Fulfilled by Lark Dean Galley
Today is my son’s 21st birthday. Or maybe I should more accurately say, it would have been his 21st birthday if he had not chosen a different path. You see, 19 months ago he ended his life. His was not a sad or tragic life but a life filled with promise and opportunity. A life that was meant to make a difference in the world, but maybe it’s not too late.
You see, shortly after my son’s suicide, I made a promise to share his story so that others might be inspired to stay on this planet even when things were hard. While the mental pain and anguish can feel very real, it does not go away when the hurting person ends their life. The pain is just transferred to those left behind – loved ones who are filled with so many questions. “Why would he do this?” “Why didn’t I know?” “Why wasn’t I enough to stop him?”
Sharing my son’s story has not always been easy or convenient, but it has been very fulfilling. I have come closer to him as I begin to understand his pain and struggles. I examine my regrets and make changes to ensure the future is different for those of us left behind.
Now here I am holding a pre-reader copy of my book which releases on November 10, 2020. It represents a promise fulfilled. The difference my son was meant to have in the world started with me being spurred to speak out, thereby making a difference in someone else’s life, who in turn will make a difference for someone else down the road. And so it goes on. We are all linked together and need each other desperately. So hold on to one another as if your life depended on it, because it does.
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